Dear Roller derby students, we are pleased to introduce a new section dedicated to technique and training tips! Roller derby is not only about speed and adrenaline, but also about skill, strategy and technique. Here you will find helpful tips and drills to improve your skills and reach new heights in this exciting sport.

Let’s start with the basics. Mastering the basic skills will help you control your game and adapt more easily to new situations:

  • Starting and braking: Learn how to start correctly and brake effectively, these are important skills for safety and speed control;
  • Turns: Learn the technique of different radius turns – they will help you to maneuver better and control the playing space.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, move on to improving your technique for more advanced play:

  • Speed Control: Learn to control your speed, especially in game conditions, this will help you evade your opponent or hold your position;
  • Defense and Attack: Learn defense and attack techniques, how to properly block opponents and create pathways for your team to pass;
  • Endurance Exercise: Develop training programs that will improve your endurance. Running, biking, and strength exercises can help you become more enduring on the rollers;
  • Technical Training: Spend time practicing drills to improve your technique: turns, speed control, dodging and blocking.

Tips for Success:

  • Constant practice: Practice is the key to success. The more time you spend practicing, the faster you will improve your skills;
  • Watch videos and feedback: Watch videos of your games, analyze your actions and ask for feedback from coaches and experienced players.

Technique and practice play an important role in your success in roller derby. Remember that constant improvement and openness to new knowledge will help you become a stronger player and enjoy this exciting sport even more!